Meet the Editors

Donna Meredith is publisher and editor-in-chief. Claire Hamner Matturro and Dawn Major serve as associate editors. RIGHT: Photographs by VanessaK Photography, LLC.

“Winston’s Book of Souls” by Terresa Cooper Haskew

Although Terresa Haskew’s debut novel, Winston’s Book of Souls (Touchpoint Press 2024), begins with a dead body and revelation of other crimes, it is at heart a story of desire for atonement. Her characters make mistakes but yearn to live good lives. With an ever-increasing tone of foreboding, the story pulls readers relentlessly forward to […]

The Reading Attic Welcomes Three Georgia Authors: Dawn Major & John Williams in Conversation with Raymond Adkins

The Reading Attic Welcomes Three Georgia Authors: Dawn Major & John Williams in Conversation with Raymond Adkins March 16th 2-4 PM in Marietta Square above Tiny Bubbles. Details are here.   


Intro: The publication of my debut novel, The Bystanders, in 2023 meant of plethora of author events, conferences, and book and literary festivals. Reflecting upon last year, I decided to share some favorite literary destinations with Southern Literary Review’s readers starting with Beaufort, SC where I attended the Eighth Annual Pat Conroy Literary Festival (PCLF) […]

“Boolean Logic” by Morgan Christie

Elegant and poignant, Boolean Logic, (Howling Bird Press 2023) Morgan Christie’s collection of twelve autobiographical essays, shines light on what life is like as a Black woman.  What it is like to be overlooked or dismissed as insignificant, despite talent and skill. These essays are crafted using the best creative nonfiction literary techniques, often employing […]

“The Little Girl at the Bottom of the Picture” by Jeremy White

In The Little Girl at the Bottom of the Picture: A Journey of Selfless Discovery, Jeremy White takes readers into and through a labyrinth of relationship by providing almost-voyeuristic access to emails, text messages, phone calls, and in-person communications. This he does with candor, humor, and meticulous attention to detail. The true story begins with […]

 “Inheritance with A High Error Rate” by Jen Karetnick

Reading Jen Karetnick’s bio suggests that the woman is never without her computer and her scribbled notes, her peripatetic inquisitiveness driving her in a hundred directions at once. But this is not a scattered writer. Apparently when Jen Karetnick homes in on a topic, her views expressed as a critic, travel reviewer, appliance tester, cookbook […]