Three Must-Read Short Story Collections

    Tired of buying electronics or golf gadgets for Father’s Day. Hook your father figure up with a sweet read this month instead. Even if the men in your life don’t have the attention span for a novel or memoir, they will enjoy these powerful literary shorts…but old and new. Warning: These are so good, you might […]

Who Influenced Award-Winning Poet, Kate Daniels?

     Kate Daniels was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia, and educated at the University of Virginia (B.A. and M.A. in English Literature) and Columbia University (M.F.A. School of the Arts).  Her teaching career has taken her to the University of Virginia; the University of Massachusetts at Amherst; Louisiana State University; Wake Forest University; Bennington […]

Don’t Miss the Conference on Southern Literature April 14-16

 Conference on Southern Literature     April 14-16    Chattanooga, Tennessee      The Arts & Education Council’s 16th biennial Conference on Southern Literature will feature some of the most beloved writers in Southern literature. Highlights of this year’s event include a tribute to Harper Lee, the premiere of an Elizabeth Spencer documentary, keynote addresses by Dorothy Allison and […]

The Eternal Ones, by Kirsten Miller

Review by Donna Meredith Romance, the supernatural, action, good versus evil, exotic locations, teenage outcasts—there’s so much in Kirsten Miller’s The Eternal Ones for young adult readers to like. Add those factors to readable prose and a page-turning plot, and some mothers are going to be borrowing this book from their teens. The narrator, seventeen-year-old […]

Meet Suzanne Supplee, Author of Somebody Everybody Listens To

Suzanne Supplee was first recognized as a talented children’s author with her works Artichoke’s Heart and When Irish Guys are Smiling. When Dolly Parton read Supplee’s latest young adult novel, Somebody Everybody Listens To, she said, “Reading about Retta Lee Jones’s journey to Nashville was a lot like reading my own diary, except she had […]

Somebody Everybody Listens To, by Suzanne Supplee

Suzanne Supplee’s latest release, Somebody Everybody Listens To (Dutton, May, 2010), will inspire readers to pick up a guitar and sing. With a quick, steady pace, and short, cleanly-written chapters, this young adult novel will appeal to readers of all ages, particularly those who ever dreamed of finding success in the country music industry. Supplee’s […]