A Dog Named Slugger, by Leigh Brill

A Dog Named Slugger by Leigh Brill Reviewed by Paul H. Yarbrough Click to Buy  “I have cerebral palsy. I walk funny and my balance is bad. I fall a lot. My hands shake, too. That means I’m not so good at carrying things. And if I drop stuff, sometimes it’s hard to just bend […]

Sautee Shadows by Denise Weimer

Click to Buy SAUTEE SHADOWS Written by Denise Weimer  Reviewed by Paul H. Yarbrough      Billed on the cover as Book One of the Georgia Gold Trilogy, Sautee Shadows is a historical novel about the South during the mid-1800s.      Weimer’s Georgia roots give her credibility as to understanding what Southern life was all about […]

SLR Contributor Signs Debut Novel

  Meet SLR contributor, Paul Yarbrough, as he signs his debut novel, Mississipi Cotton, Tuesday, June 7 from 5:30-7 at Main Street Booksin Hattiesburg, MS.