“Glass,” A Short Story from Gale Massey’s “Rising and Other Stories”

Dad was a thin man with a high forehead and a bent nose. He wore a black patch over his left eye and worked as a carpenter at a shop across the railroad tracks. Mama took me there a few times when Dad had forgotten to take his lunch box. The place smelled sweet and […]

“Rising and Other Stories,” by Gale Massey

Reviewed by Claire Hamner Matturro Gale Massey burst into the literary scene two years ago with her acclaimed debut novel, The Girl from Blind River (Crooked Lane), which won a 2018 Florida Book Award, among other accolades. Prior to that novel, some prestigious publications had published her short stories. So it’s no surprise to see […]

Donna Meredith interviews Gale Massey, author of “Girl from Blind River”

DM:  What inspired a writer from Florida to set a story in New York state?   GM: The very first images that came to me at the onset of writing this novel were of ice, sleet, and a young woman in a decrepit trailer. I stuck with those images because they spoke to me of poverty […]

“Girl from Blind River,” by Gale Massey

Reviewed by Donna Meredith Florida writer Gale Massey’s debut novel, Girl from Blind River, is being compared to Daniel Woodrell’s Winter’s Bone. The comparison is apt. Both feature a teenage girl determined to help family members survive in a community roiled by poverty and addiction. Nineteen-year-old Jamie Elders is caught between conflicting desires: to take […]