Jason Kingry Interviews Helen Ellis, Author of “Southern Lady Code”

JK:  My wife enjoys when I read to her, and due to the subject matter, I guessed (correctly) that Southern Lady Code would be right up her alley. She was so amused with your dark sense of humor that she asked me to clarify whether these stories were fictional or non-fictional. How did you become […]

Jason Kingry Interviews Claire Fullerton, Author of “Little Tea”

JK:  Thank you for doing this interview about your new novel, Little Tea.  I’ve read that you’ve lived in Minnesota, Memphis, Ireland, and now in California. What were these transitions like, and how have they affected your writing? CF: The transitions ushered in forward momentum, in that living in different locations expanded my understanding of […]

Jason Kingry Interviews Jonathan Haupt, Co-editor of “Our Prince of Scribes”

JK: I am grateful for the opportunity to interview you about Our Prince of Scribes, which has already won more awards than there are fingers on my hands. Congratulations on your success. The literary community has benefited from the peer-to-peer mentoring that came out of this book and the inspiration it has generated. I imagine […]