“Friends of the Library,” by Susan Cushman

Reviewed by Niles Reddick A few months ago, I got an email from Susan Cushman asking if I would endorse her newest book project, a collection of stories titled Friends of the Library. As usual, I immediately agreed and didn’t regret that decision. I have known Susan for several years through a Southern authors blog […]

“Confessions of a Christian Mystic,” by River Jordan

Reviewed by Niles Reddick River Jordan’s Confessions of a Christian Mystic is an inspirational work of nonfiction and unveils parts of her journey, illustrates her deep and abiding faith in God, and most importantly offers readers both a road map and encouragement to keep looking in every nook and cranny to find God, build a […]

Susan Cushman

Susan Cushman is author of a novel, Cherry Bomb, and memoir, Tangles and Plaques: A Mother and Daughter Face Alzheimer’s, and editor of Southern Writers on Writing and A Second Blooming: Becoming the Women We Are Meant to Be. Her essays have appeared in four anthologies and numerous journals and magazines. She was co-director of […]

Allen Mendenhall Interviews Susan Cushman, Editor of “Southern Writers on Writing”

AM:  I’ve been delighting in the essays in Southern Writers on Writing, Susan, and am so glad to see this book in print. I’m happy, too, that we’re doing an interview about it. Tell me, how did you choose which authors to include in this collection? SC:  I’m so glad you’re enjoying the essays, Allen. […]