“The Salvation of Miss Lucretia,” by Ted Dunagan

Reviewed by Mollie Waters The Salvation of Miss Lucretia is the fourth installment in Ted Dunagan’s series for young adult readers. The books feature two young boys, one white and one black, who are able to overcome the difficulties of the segregated South during the 1940s in order to form a lasting friendship. In their […]

“The Darkling,” by Carolyn Haines as R. B. Chesterton

Reviewed by Mollie Waters When Carolyn Haines presented her new work The Darkling at the Alabama Book Festival in April 2013, the question on her audience’s mind was who in the world is R. B. Chesterton? Haines is best known for her popular crime novels the Bones series, which has a devoted following, but she […]

“Creole Son,” by Michael Llewellyn

Reviewed by Mollie Waters The challenge of writing historical fiction is finding the balance between factual events and the fictional story the author tries to weave into that reality. In his work Creole Son: A Novel of Degas in New Orleans, Michael Llewellyn finds that balance by crafting a tale that is rich in both […]

December Read of the Month: “Wings of Glass,” by Gina Holmes

Reviewed by Mollie Waters Penny Taylor has had it rough. Growing up on a small farm under her daddy’s watchful eyes has never given her much opportunity to interact with people her own age, especially boys. In the summer of 1999, all of that changes when a bumper crop requires her father to hire additional […]