Nonfiction Books of Note for December: “Conversations with Jimmy Carter” and George Singleton’s “Asides”

“Conversations with Jimmy Carter,” editor Tom Head Conversations with Jimmy Carter, (University of Mississippi Press, 2023) is a collection of ten interviews that reaffirm what we already know about the man. He walks the walk, not just talks the talk. As he tells Bill Moyers in the first interview, “I feel like I have one […]

November Read of the Month: “The Curious Lives of Nonprofit Martyrs: Stories” by George Singleton

There are unwritten rules one must at least consider when attempting to mention an author’s place among the masters of the Southern literary canon. One of those is to include no less than two quotes from William Faulkner. So, let us begin. “A writer needs three things, experience, observation, and imagination, any two of which, […]