InHemlock Hollow, Culley Holderfield takes readers on a fascinating two-fold journey as he skillfully interweaves the lives of twenty-first-century Caroline McAlister and nineteenth-century Carson Quinn. The story begins with Caroline, a professor of astroarchaeology, finding Carson’s journal in the cabin she is having restored. Her return to this Hemlock Hollow cabin after many years is […]
“Hemlock Hollow” by Culley Holderfield
Filed Under: Book Reviews Tagged With: Betsy Reeder, Culley Holderfield, Hemlock Hollow
Betsy Reeder interviews Culley Holderfield, author of “Hemlock Hollow”

Southern Literary Contributor Betsy Reeder interviewed Culley Holderfield, author of Hemlock Hollow. BR: What was the impetus behind this story? Did it nudge you over time or tackle you unexpectedly? CH: The story came from out of characters and research. It started with a specific place, this hollow in Henderson County, NC, where my parents […]
Filed Under: Author Profiles & Interviews Tagged With: Betsy Reeder, Culley Holderfield, Hemock Hollow