“My Life in Water: A Memoir in Essays” by Cat Pleska

In a series of short, water-centric essays, Cat Pleska’s My Life in Water (UnCollected Press 2024) spans a lifetime of memories. Each lovingly crafted story is told in elegant prose using the powerful poetic imagery Pleska is noted for. The first story, “Wash Me Clean,” predates Pleska’s own memories; rather it is a confession by […]

December Read of the Month: “Wofford’s Blood” by Donna Coffey Little

Wofford’s Blood (Mercer University Press 2024) is a stunning work of historical fiction based on the life of James Daugherty (J. D.) Wofford, a half White, half Cherokee, who became a conductor and interpreter on the Trail of Tears.  Author Donna Coffey Little tells readers in an “Author’s Note” at the beginning that the interviews […]

Donna Meredith interviews Donna Coffey Little, author of “Wofford’s Blood”

Book Summary: Wofford’s Blood is an epic family saga saturated in Cherokee and North Georgia history. It is 1815, in the contested borderland between the state of Georgia and the Cherokee Nation, and thirteen-year-old J.D. Wofford, son of a Cherokee mother and a white Intruder father, must choose where his loyalties lie. He spends his […]

“The Devil Hath a Pleasing Shape” by Terry Roberts

The fabled Grove Park Inn in Asheville, North Carolina, looms as the intriguing, dark backdrop for Terry Roberts’ novel The Devil Hath a Pleasing Shape (Turner Publishing 10/01/2024). This excellent mystery is the third in the Stephen Robbins Chronicles series. Those familiar with Asheville and those who love mysteries won’t want to miss this engaging […]

An Afternoon of Cocktails and Booktales with M’ville Artist Salon: Sunday Dec. 8th, 2024, Block & Drum

Mix and mingle with M’ville artist salon members at the Vinyl Listening Room Sunday, December 8th, 2024, from 3 -5 PM at BLOCK & DRUM in Chamblee, GA. Listen to music performed by M’ville member Maryann Lozano along with band members Rick Lozano and Scott Pearlman while enjoying an M’ville signature cocktail, The Bitter Bitch. Meet award-winning Atlanta authors, hear their […]

“Endangered and Disappearing Birds of Appalachia and the Southeast” by Matt Williams

Reviewed by Evie Diaz and Donna Meredith Endangered and Disappearing Birds of Appalachia and the Southeast (University of Kentucky Press 2024) contains stunning, captivating photography. Through the lens of patient and skilled photographer Matt Williams, we are able to view the eye-catching subjects of this book in great detail. Fifty birds are covered in the […]