Book of the Year to be announced Sunday, December 15. Which one will win? Any of these titles make fine holiday gifts. (Finalists listed alphabetically by title.) Birdhouse Jesus by Terri Chastain Using a combination of charm and horror and finally transcendence, Chastain creates a protagonist who comes to terms with childhood abuse by […]
2024 Book of the Year Finalists & Book Lovers Gift Guide
Filed Under: Book Reviews Tagged With: Birdhouse Jesus, Bradley Sides, Brian Bisesi, Cat Pleska, Chris Coward, Crocodile Tears Didn't Cause the Flood, Darryl Bollinger, Ditch Weed, Donna Coffey Little, Endangered and Disappearing Birds of Appalachia and the Southeast, Glass Cabin, Heather Ream, Hotel Impala, James Braziel, Jennifer Capo Crucet, Jody Hobbs Hesler, Lunchladies bought my prom dress, Matt Williams, My Life in Water, Out of the Blue: Life on the Road with Muddy Waters, Pat Spears, Patricia L Hudson, Perpendicular Women, Rhett DeVane, Say Hello to My Little Friend, Terri Chastain, Terry Roberts, The Devil Hath a Pleasing Shape, Tina Mozelle Braziel, Traces, Treatment Plan, Without You Here, Wofford's Blood