Interview with Jamie Cox Robertson, Part 3 of 3

Please enjoy the final segment of our three-post conversation with Jamie Cox Robertson, author of A Literary Paris (Adams Media, 2010). There is one excerpt you used that isn’t even set in Paris?  Flaubert’s Madame Bovary. Why did you decide to use that one when there are so many others out there set in the […]

Interview with Jamie Cox Robertson, Part 2 of 3

I hope you enjoyed the first segment of our interview with Jamie Cox Robertson, author of A Literary Paris (Adams Media, 2010), on yesterday’s post. Here, you’ll find a continuation of that conversation and learn about Jamie’s selection process when compiling the book and her choice to include southern writers in the collection. There are […]

Meet Jamie Cox Robertson, Author of A Literary Paris

Jamie Cox Robertson is a southerner, an editor, an author, and the founder of the Southern Literary Review. After the release of her first book, A Literary Paris, she spoke with me about the core elements of a good book and why she opted to publish a literary travel book. Hi Jamie.  It’s good to talk with you […]

Jamie Cox Robertson

SLR‘s Founder and editor until 2010, Jamie Cox Robertson holds a MA in literature and has taught literature and writing at universities for twelve years.  She lectures on southern literature and other literary topics for universities and adult education programs. Jamie has authored two books:   A Literary Paris: Hemingway, Colette, Sedaris, and Others on the Uncommon […]