It’s easy to see why Ellen Birkett Morris’s enchanting debut novel, Beware the Tall Grass (Columbus State University 2024), won The Donald L. Jordan Prize for Literary Excellence. The novel expertly entwines two moving tales, that of Eve Sloan, a mother trying desperately to understand and protect her son Charlie circa 2010; and that of […]
“Beware the Tall Grass” by Ellen Birkett Morris
Filed Under: Book Reviews Tagged With: Beware the Tall Grass, Donna Meredith, Ellen Birkett Morris, novel
Shuly Cawood interviews Ellen Birkett Morris, Author of “Lost Girls”

Author Ellen Birkett Morris has a new short story collection out, Lost Girls (TouchPoint Press, 2020), which explores the experiences of women and girls as they grieve, find love, face uncertainty, take a stand, find their future, and say goodbye to the past. Though they may seem lost, each finds her center as she confronts […]
Filed Under: Author Profiles & Interviews Tagged With: Ellen Birkett Morris, Lost Girls, Shuly Cawood, Shuly Cawood interviews Ellen Birkett Morris