Allen Mendenhall Interviews Johnnie Bernhard, Author of “Sisters of the Undertow”

AM:  Johnnie, I’m so happy to see Sisters of the Undertow in its final form.  I’ve waited months to hold it in my hand!  I enjoyed spending the weekend together at the Mississippi Book Festival last year.  We had a great panel, didn’t we? JB:  It was a great panel of literary discussion with you […]

Allen Mendenhall Interviews Johnnie Bernhard, Author of “How We Came to Be”

AM:  Thanks for the interview, Johnnie.  It hasn’t even been a year since our last interview about A Good Girl, and here we are discussing a new novel, How We Came to Be.  How did How We Came to Be come to be? JB:  I had been exploring the characters of Karen and Leona for […]

Allen Mendenhall Interviews Johnnie Bernhard, Author of “A Good Girl”

AM:  You’ve been a regular contributor to Southern Literary Review, Johnnie, so I’m particularly happy for the occasion to interview you about your new novel, A Good Girl.  Tell us about Gracey Reiter.  JB:  Gracey Reiter is the protagonist for my work of historical fiction, A Good Girl.  A middle-aged woman, Gracey is conflicted by crossroads […]