Mike Foldes

Mike Foldes is an electronics sales engineer specializing in electronic displays and power sources. A graduate of The Ohio State University in anthropology, he has edited and published in magazines, poetry anthologies, chapbooks, alternate newspapers, technical publications, and was an editor and columnist with Gannett newspapers in Binghamton, New York. He is founder of the online magazine Ragazine.CC and the author of Sleeping Dogs: A true story of the Lindbergh baby kidnapping (Split Oak Press, Ithaca, NY, 2012; Smashwords; Amazon), Sandy: Chronicles of a Superstorm (a volume of poetry and images in collaboration with artist Christie Devereaux) Some Stuff (a selection of poems available online at Smashwords), and other collaborative poetry-image projects. He sits on the advisory board of the Campaign for an Informed Citizenry and the poetry committee of “We Are You Project.” His articles, editorials, poems and stories have appeared in publications worldwide, some in translation into Romanian, Hungarian, French and Spanish.

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