Lee Zacharias was born in Chicago and grew up in Hammond, Indiana. She has written 3 previous novels, a collection of short stories, and a collection of essays. Many of her essays have been cited by The Best American Essays, and “Buzzards” was reprinted in the 2008 edition. She has held fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the North Carolina Arts Council, and her work has won silver medals from the Independent Book Publishers Association, the North Carolina Sir Walter Raleigh Award, and the Phillip H. McMath Post-Publication Book Award, among other honors. Her third novel, Across the Great Lake, was named a 2019 Notable Michigan Book. Her fourth novel, What a Wonderful World This Could Be, will be released in June, 2021, by Madville Publishing. She is Emerita Professor of English at the University of North Carolina Greensboro and a former editor of The Greensboro Review.
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