Edwina “Eddy” Pendarvis, born in Weeksbury, Kentucky, lives in Huntington, West Virginia, where she taught at Marshall University for 30 years and is now Professor Emeritus. Most of her poems, essays, chapters, and books focus on people and places in Appalachia. She has written four young adult biographies of Nobel Laureates in Literature, including Away Down South, about William Faulkner (2011). She serves as book editor for Pine Mountain Sand & Gravel, and has served as book editor for Now & Then Magazine; interim editor of the Journal of Appalachian Studies; and as a contributing editor of Roeper Review: A Journal on Gifted Education. Her work appears in journals, such as the Louisville Review and Appalachian Journal, and anthologies, such as Southern Poetry Anthology. Her work includes a poetry collection, Ghost Dance Poems (2015); Appalachian Murders and Mysteries (2016), co-edited with James Gifford; Out of Our Minds: Turning the Tide of Anti-Intellectualism in American Schools (2016), co-authored with Craig and Aimee Howley; and a nonfiction book about girls, women, and dance: Another World, Ballet Lessons from Appalachia (2022).
Edwina Pendarvis
October 19, 2022 by Leave a Comment
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