Becca Spence Dobias

Becca Spence Dobias lives in Southern California where she writes frantically as her children sleep. Her short stories have been published in two Writing Bloc anthologies, Inlandia: A Literary Journey and A Short Guide to Finding Your First Home in the United States. Her first novel, On Home, is in production with Inkshares, and she is under contract for a nonfiction book about the West Virginia punk scene with West Virginia University Press. She misses West Virginia every day, but learning to play banjo helps.


  1. Becca, If you have not had a story collection published, why don’t you send me something at Livingston Press for our Tartt fiction contest. No entry fee. Also, I presume you’re interested in Southern fiction, and we have William Gay’s last posthumous novel forthcoming, You can access a galley on NetGalley. I also have a few hard copy Arcs available. Joe Taylor

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