Reviewed by Phyllis Wilson Moore In Craig Johnson’s fourteenth novel, Depth of Winter (Viking, 2018), Sheriff Walt Longmire is far from Absaroka County, Wyoming. He is in Mexico on a desperate lone-wolf mission to rescue his only daughter from a vicious drug cartel. He has no authority. He has no passport. He is about to experience […]
“Weedeater: An Illustrated Novel,” by Robert Gipe
Reviewed by Phyllis Wilson Moore Robert Gipe’s Weedeater, the much anticipated sequel to his 2015 Weatherford Award winning first novel, Trampoline, has a problem common to some sequels; while it does expand the previous work, it teeters on the edge of too much, too soon, too similar. It is gritty, contemporary, and includes Gipe’s illustrated […]
“Trampoline: An Illustrated Novel,” by Robert Gipe
Reviewed by Phyllis Wilson Moore Back in 2015 I received an advanced copy of Robert Gipe’s novel Trampoline and proceeded to read it. The author, Robert Gipe, was new to me and the first-person story featured some of his line drawings scattered in appropriate places. They were different. I’m not a fan of illustrations in […]
Phyllis Wilson Moore
Phyllis Wilson Moore, an avid reader of books set in the South, is a native of Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. In 1953 she moved across the Mason-Dixon Line to attend nursing school and college and stayed. Like Robert Gipe, she is a product of the Hindman Settlement School Appalachian Writers Workshop. A poet and writer, she researches West […]